Holly Zwolinski
I moved from the Cleveland area of Ohio to Bellingham, WA in fall 2018. After moving to WA and discovering the beauty of the PNW my passion for photography was reignited and I started to pursue digital photography.
Photography is very personal and important to me because it’s a gift of my sobriety and recovery. I got sober in 2018 a few months before moving to Washington. I have been able to do a lot of personal work and healing and that has opened doors I never imagined with photography. I am grateful and am excited to see how art will continue to evolve for me.
My interest in photography began in a high school class where I learned to develop black and white film and make prints in a darkroom. The variances of light and shadow learned through dodging and burning in the dark room still shape my digital creations today. In this class I learned that the origin of the word “photography” means “light writing / painting.” Learning this meaning has taught me to pay more attention to the light, how to work with it (or lack thereof) to create images.
I love capturing the essence of the PNW through my lens. From the rugged landscapes to the hidden depths beneath the water, I love sharing the unique features of the PNW. Currently my favorite subjects to photograph are the Milky Way and half underwater shots. I use a waterproof case to get half of the shot underwater and half above. I often get in the water or am laying on rocks next to the water to get these shots.
I recently started offering photography classes which include field experience (composition and learning to use a DLSR camera) and editing raw photos. Check out my website for information on classes, portraits, and prints.
When I’m not doing photography, you’ll find me working in my private practice as a mental health and trauma therapist. I specialize in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as an approach to treat trauma & PTSD. I have worked in the mental health field since 2008.
Website: hollyzphotography.com